Terraneo Announces Winners Of The Recycle! Contest, As Well As The Accompanying Programme Of Worksho...

Kategorie: Terraneo Festival
geschrieben von: Terraneo Festival geschrieben am: 11.07.2013 um: 09:37 Uhr

The unique feature of Terraneo, which differentiates it from other Festivals on the Adriatic, is its programme of ecology, workshops and accompanying Festival activities for which Terraneo is famous and renowned. A brief reminder: Terraneo won the Grand Prix on the Dm Green City award ceremony in 2012, as the best organization among the award winning ecological Croatian organizations in the past year. A jury of experts awarded the Grand Prix to Terraneo Festival for being the best example of an excellent ecological message, but the award is also a commendation for the work and effort of the whole eco-programme - activities, projects, bids and workshops - on which Terraneo's entire organizational team worked on throughout the year.

Within this year's Eco Art programme, Terraneo organized a creative bid called "Recycle!" where designers, graphic artists and photographers were asked to give their vision of this ecological theme through posters which had to communicate the global problem of trash pile-up, as well as the urgent need to put it under control.

The bid was open from June 11th until July 7th, and over a hundred works were received. A jury of experts chose 15 of the best works which will be displayed during a two-week exhibit in the centre of ?ibenik, starting from June 24th. Once Terraneo begins, the posters will be moved to the Festival location where visitors will get a chance to see them. The winning authors, who will also receive Festival tickets, as well as Terraneo 2013 T-shirts, are: Nikolina Lon?ar, Ivana Leva?i?, Antonio Mohenski, Maja Suboti?, Igor Petrovi?, Josip Huljev, Hana Juri?, Hana ?o?tari?, Apolonija Lu?i?, Agata Lu?i?, Daniel ?ivatovi?, Sanja ?iljkovi?, Orin Ivan Vrkas  and Anagram Art.

Apart from the Eco Art bid and the exhibit, this year's eco-programme once again features "Biking to Terraneo": our bicycle team will travel from Zagreb to ?ibenik, but this time going via Gorski kotar and the north Adriatic islands. Anyone who is interested in this healthy, fun and ecological mode of travel is free to join in.

Regarding the eco-workshops during the Festival, this year we will have a workshop on how to make a raft from refuse, thus by encouraging the development of ecological awareness, teamwork and fun on the beach in Minerska, as well as a sponge workshop, where visitors will join spongers and divers to create sponge jewellery, followed by a presentation of diving equipment needed to harvest sponges. There will also be an interesting workshop on how to make toothpaste from natural materials - King Julio, hosted by Oliver Lintzbauer, better known as Olli Dobolli - one of Croatia's finest hip-hop and mashup DJs. All the plant lovers will be able to participate in the "Leaf Squad" workshop, which will help to put forth leaves and identify every square inch of the surrounding area.

For this year's Terraneo, young designers Marina Andrija?evi?, Luka Bor?i? and Dario Devi? have created "Design for Partygoers" - an inclusive design for drunken visitors of the Festival. This concept is envisioned for all those unable to find their way back to the tent, cannot locate their friend, are unable to type their friend's number into the cell phone, cannot find loose change at the bottom of their purse, start calling their ex or texting them, etc. The authors explain: "Through the use of available materials and scouting Terraneo locations, this workshop will try to solve all of the little problems specific to a festival environment - problems of drunken people. The idea is to use designer methodology in a fun, but practical way. Let's face it: who hasn't been in at least one of the aforementioned situations at Terraneo?"

For all those who want to have fun working out in the shade of pine trees on the newly opened Festival beach, we have organized workshops of acro balance yoga and hula-hoop. As far as music workshops are concerned, this year we will have a djembe workshop, as well as the highly requested didgeridoo workshop - envisioned as a beginner's course on how to play a didgeridoo, the traditional Aboriginal instrument. This will be an excellent opportunity for all those who want to get acquainted with the oldest wind instrument, but also for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge.

There will also be a DJ workshop with DJ Venom, the finalist of DMC World 2000, DMC 2003, champion of former Yugoslavia, Heineken Thirst 2005 champion, and a long-time leader of workshops, as well as a musical production workshop (band production, recording and mixing) organized by the renowned SAE Institute from Ljubljana.

The programme will also feature an interactive workshop "Theatre Forum" - for modern theatre forms, whose goal is to clearly show an ecological problem and, together with the audience, present solutions.

To recapitulate, all the aforementioned workshop programmes will be held during the day, between 10AM and 6PM, on the newly opened Festival beach, "Terraneo Beach", in the former army barracks Minerska. The participation in the workshops is free of charge, and this year's new feature is that anyone who is interested in a particular workshop can sign-up in advance, directly through workshop leaders, whose contact information will be posted on Festival's official website www.terraneofestival.com, two weeks prior the beginning of the Festival.

The accompanying programme of Terraneo Beach will feature "AlterED", a concept whose name is derived from ALTERnative EDucation and it represents a unique type of education on renewable sources of energy, adapted to music festivals. Find the AlterED House of Sun on location, charge your electronic devices for free, participate in cooking or jam with AlterED Solar Band. All of the above is, of course, powered by the Sun and positive energy!

All the fashion lovers will surely be delighted by "Buried Clothes", a fashion initiative searching for the forgotten, hidden and buried treasures of old wardrobes. An old fire engine will serve as a living room to these creative girls, and they will present themselves to visitors of Terraneo Beach in an exhibit promoting their brand and spreading awareness regarding preservation and recycling of old clothes and items.

We are proud to announce the lecture/workshop of Croatian representatives who entered the finals of the prestigious international competition of universities on how to build a self-sustaining prefabricated house - Solar Decathlon Europe, with their project "Membrain concept - the project of a self-sustaining house". This workshop, accompanied by a lecture and a film showing, will be held at Club Azimut, the official meeting point of Terraneo Festival, in ?ibenik.

We also have to mention Bazaar, a sales fair of old and retro items which will be held in ?ibenik during Terraneo, at an open area in front of the aforementioned Club Azimut. All those interested in participation can apply at the following e-mail address: bazaarukvartu@gmail.com.

The accompanying programme of this year's Terraneo Festival offers the biggest selection of accompanying Festival content, and no visitor to Terraneo will be bored. If we add to this free programme the attractive location of the new Festival beach, at the former army barracks of Minerska, Terraneo Festival once again guarantees excellent summer fun with an outstanding music programme on one of the most beautiful locations on the Adriatic.

Zur Infoseite von: Terraneo Festival
Quelle: http://www.terraneofestival.com mehr: Terraneo Festival News