Thank You! Mille Grazie!

Kategorie: Sunandbass Festival
geschrieben von: Sunandbass Festival geschrieben am: 20.09.2015 um: 21:25 Uhr

"Mille grazie' for a fantastic SUNANDBASS 2015! As every year it wasn't easy leaving the island behind. So many friends we made, so many great memories we share... Thank you so much for all your love and appreciation. It helps us navigate through difficult times and challenges we have to cope with. Not being able to celebrate in Ambra Night was as unfortunate for us at it was for you.

Again, thank you for sticking with us and leaving no doubt that SUNANDBASS is more than a party location or club - it's a feeling, a vibe that is unique to this group of people meeting each September to spend a week packed with good music, beautiful beaches, delicious food, and lots of fun. We will memorize our experience and remember all of it! As a first view back we have created this short video summarizing the week of SUNANDBASS 2015. Enjoy watching this!

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