Album Of The Day: Neige Morte ? Neige Morte

Kategorie: Roadburn Festival
geschrieben von: Roadburn Festival geschrieben am: 08.03.2011 um: 06:12 Uhr

Lovingly pinched from Lurker: France has a tradition of producing fiercely independent black metal and Neige Morte, from Lyons, are no different. With their self-titled debut, released earlier this year through Aurora Borealis, the violent three-piece summon everything from murky soundscapes to atonal sludge and hardcore-informed blasting, all within 35 minutes of challenging black metal experimentation.

It's taken a while to come to grips with this record and many repeated listens are necessary, preferably while lying on the floor of a pitch-black room. The opener, "Reflexe Post-Mortem', is genuinely unnerving. A frosty wind howls while electronic drones rumble beneath. Sighs and whispers of vaguely human voices conspire within the darkness, broken by groans, blood-spitting coughs and the odd cymbal splash. It's a simple but effective formula: prepare for self-doubt and loathing as you sink through the floor into some sort of vast torture house.

But before the nightmarish scene threatens to completely engulf, sudden crushing bass and discordant guitars smash through the crepuscular ambience and launch into a primitive yet sinister riff. The whole thing seems to suffer from an extreme existential ague as the drums flail, vocals spit bile and guitars struggle forward. It's as if the creators are almost prepared to give up, but not before documenting their hatred for the world. Its punkish ferocity will trigger a breathless panic but respite can be found through sections of haunting noise.

Continue reading:  Review: Neige Morte – S/T | LURKER.
Sample a couple of tracks HERE

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