The Picturesbooks Have To Cancel - Welcome Stinking Lizaveta

Kategorie: Freak Valley Festival
geschrieben von: Freak Valley Festival geschrieben am: 07.04.2024 um: 20:10 Uhr

Hi Freaks!!
we have to announce that sadly The Picturebooks cannot make it this year.
Here is the band's statement:
"Leider schaffen wir es nicht dieses Jahr das Freak Valley Festival zu spielen, wir haben uns sehr drauf gefreut, aber es sind einige Sachen dazwischen gekommen. Unser Mentor, live Mischer und Vater, Claus Grabke, wird genau zu dem Zeitpunkt in die Skateboarding Hall of Fame Museum in LA aufgenommen und diese einmalige Zeremonie würden wir gern gemeinsam besuchen. Wir freuen uns aber riesig, das Freak Valley dann in 2025 spielen zu können!"
We gave our best to find a a great replacement. And we are more than happy that we found one!!
Stinking Lizaveta will play Freak Valley Festival 2024 !!
Stinking Lizaveta features Yanni Papadopoulos on guitar, brother Alexi Papadopoulos on upright electric bass, and Agusta on drums. All three came to the band with various backgrounds in rock, jazz, punk rock, and classical music. The trio found its collective voice in West Philadelphia's early-90s underground scene. They've toured and recorded steadily ever since, sharing stages in America and Europe with such bands as Clutch, Mastodon, Beehoover, the Sword, Torche, Weedeater, Fugazi, Don Vito, Dy? se, Rollins Band, Lamb of God, Orange Goblin, Zeni Geva, Hidden Hand, Corrosion of Conformity, and Today's the Day.
If you want to know how hard Stinking Lizaveta rocks, ask people who rock. "When people ask who my greatest musical in?luences are, they typically expect me to say Black Sabbath or Slayer. The real answer includes the mighty Stinking Lizaveta," said guitarist Kyle Schutt of the Sword. "A truly masterful set of musicians."
And where many bands crumble under the weight of their own ambitions, Stinking Lizaveta stands up strong, wielding its spiky, elaborate tunes like a gladiator's mace. Live or on record, the band delivers its material with fury, precision, swing and - rarest of all among heavy bands - an unmistakable sense of joy.

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