Placebo Comes Back To Present ?battle For The Sun

Kategorie: Bilbao BBK Live
geschrieben von: Bilbao BBK Live geschrieben am: 01.07.2009 um: 10:10 Uhr

Brian Molko and Stefan Olsdal, old school mates, met by chance in South Kensington station of London underground. Although they had never talked before after this encounter they realized they shared musical tastes and they soon decided to form a band they initially baptized as Ashtray Heart and a bit later as Placebo.

Thus, that´s how the story of this English band began in 1994. Two years later they launched their debut album with their name ? an album which meant a cornerstone in the history of the rock and brit pop that was listened by then and launched them to the top selling more than a million of copies in Great Britain and about eight million all around the world. Dark tones and ambiguous lyrics soon became their main feature.

Fifteen years after their beginnings and with five albums in their count Placebo have launched their last studio work which ends up almost three years of silence after the previous ?Meds? (2006). ?Battle For The Sun? is the title that Brian Molko´s band has chosen for this sixth album publicated the past 8th of June .

For the recording, the British band has spent three months in Toronto in the producer Dave Bottrill´s studio ? winner of three Grammies, who has worked with Silverchair, dEUS, Muse, Tool or AFI.  The band choose Bottrill taking into account mainly the works he had done with the band Tool and with the aim of being completely away of the record companies, having thus the total control over all of their songs. The mixes have been done by Alan Moulder who has worked with bands like My Bloody Valentine, Nine Inch Nails or Smashing Pumpkins.

According to Molko himself, they have recorded an album with a happy spirit. ?Battle For The Sun? is a bright work full of vitality where they want to recover the enthusiasm after their 13 years of career in music: "We have done a record about choosing life and choosing to live, about getting out of darkness and getting into the light".

Everything is optimism in Molko about their new album: "I am in a very positive mood", he says and he adds that, despite the light the album exudes, it is not necessary "to hide darkness because it´s there, it is essential, it´s part of what you are". "Although the album is more about the election of staying with the sunlight".

This one means also the first album with the new drummer Steve Forrest after the breaking-off of the band with Steve Hewitt in October 2007. Molko and Olsdal signed for Forrest, a 22 years old Californian guy they met in 2006 playing with Evaling ? their support band in one of their tours in the USA. The singer explains they were looking for someone enthusiastic and whose commitment could motivate them, "we wanted someone to experiment for the first time all we have lived, his enthusiasm to take us out of our boredom and to make us feel as children again".

In this sixth album, Placebo wanted to release their most personal work and for that, they decided to continue on their own after the cease of the contract with Virgin Records. Thus, they have recorded on their own and they have only signed distribution contracts. As Molko himself points out: "there´s still a lot of energy in the old dog". Although he also wanted to thank all the label interested in their work: ?We were very lucky to have so many important labels interested in signing with us. That means a lot, specially after twelve years editing records?.
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