23. SWR Barroselas Metalfest 2022

Vom: 29.04.2022 bis: 30.04.2022
Das Festival war vor 862 Tagen

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SWR Barroselas Metalfest 2024

SWR Barroselas Metalfest is one of the oldest extreme music festivals in Europe. Located since the first edition in the quiet village of Barroselas, Northeast Portugal, the festival has two indoor stages, whose entrance is allowed only to ticket holders, and one outside stage with free access. Through the years the festival has seen some of heavy metal's biggest names rise on the stage, bands such as Venom, Immortal, Kreator, Possessed, Sodom, Napalm Death, Bolt Thrower, Dying Fetus, Primordial, Metal Church, Watain, Hypocrisy, Candlemass, Ratos de Porão, Immolation, Triptykon, The Haunted, Brujeria, Enslaved, Carpathian Forest, Shining, Entombed A.D., Impaled Nazarene, Gut, Agalloch, Katatonia and many more.

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Black Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore,... mehr
Black Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore, Heavy Metal, Crust, Stoner Metal, Thrash Metal ... close
Kategorie: Metal Festivals
Preis: VVK 55 €
Plz: 4905-322
Ort: Barroselas
Strasse: Avenida São Paulo da Cruz
Land: Portugal
Website: SWR Barroselas Metalfest


Autopsy, Mgla, Sijjin, Skeletal Remains, Birdflesh, Deathhammer, Nekromant, Decayed, Simbiose, Alcoholocaust, Besta, Equaleft, Midnight Priest, Boulder, Grievance, Speedemon

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